Comedian Kapil Sharma was spotted in a wheelchair at Mumbai airport on Monday. Though it is not clear which ailment the comedian is suffering from, pictures of him in a wheelchair suggest that 'The Kapil Sharma Show' host is unwell. Earlier this month, Kapil Sharma and his wife Ginni Chatrath were blessed with a baby boy.
At Mumbai airport, Kapil Sharma was spotted in all-black attire and accompanied by an attendant who was pushing the wheelchair Sharma was sitting on. Viral Bhayani, a prominent fashion photographer, clicked Kapil Sharma in a wheelchair at the airport. He later posted the photo on his Instagram account. In the caption, he wrote, "Not sure what exactly happened .
Sharma's fans in the comment section of the post started speculating about the comedian's health. Many thought that Sharma had suffered a leg injury of some kind. "Looks one shoe is missing from one leg ." read one comment. The post was also flooded with 'get well soon' messages for the comedian.
On February 1, Kapil and his wife Ginni had welcomed their second child. The coupled had announced the news on Twitter. The post read, "Namaskaar. We are blessed with a baby boy this early morning. By the grace of God, baby n mother both r fine. Thank you so much for all the love, blessings n prayers. Love you all, ginni n kapil.
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